Description | Example | Return Message | Group(s)

SCHED: SetConfigOptions


SCHED / SetConfigOptions <AttributeName> <Parameters>


The SCHED SetConfigOptions Connect command edits the STK Scheduler configuration options (available through the GUI under the File > Configuration menu selection). One or more of the optional attributes may be included in the command.

{AttributeName}<Parameters>Parameters Values
AutoValidateBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
ErrPopupBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
NaturalSortBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
SchedUserDir'<AbsoluteFileNamePath>''<AbsoluteFileNamePath>'. This value must be in single quotes.
GanttTableWidthTableWidth<integer>. Integer value between 0 and 100.

"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"

Note: Events will still appear on the bottom of Scheduler

EnableTimelineViewForSTKAnimateBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
ConnectCommandLoggingBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
EnableSocketConnectionToSTKBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
ShowGUIBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
GraphicsOnBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
UseDayOfYearBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
ApiReturnDataEnabledBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
STKServerServer name"localhost" or the name of the server running STK
STKPortTCP Port number5001 is the default number, but can be configured to use other ports in STK
STKTimestepDecimal number of secondsAny value from .001 to 1,000,000,000
EnableTCPBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" to use TCP or "no"/"off"/"false" to use COM
MaxCOMConnectionsToSTKNumber of connections to allow concurrently to STK via COM, which will limit the number of STK instances that Scheduler opens-1 for unlimited, or any positive number as a limit
TCPPortScheduler's TCP Port number8001 is the default number, but can be set to any valid port number within 1024 to 65535
EnableRESTBoolean"yes"/"on"/"true" or "no"/"off"/"false"
RESTUrlURL or semicolon-separated URLs with port numbers'http://*:5000' or ';http://localhost:5000' or other urls
RESTDirREST schedule directoryLocal directory path such as 'C:\\SchedulerRESTSchedules'


Disables all STK Scheduler popups
SCHED / SetConfigOptions AutoValidate no Errpopup no

<CommandName>SCHED / SetConfigOptions

Disables Natural Sort for Scheduler
SCHED / SetConfigOptions NaturalSort no

<CommandName>SCHED / SetConfigOptions

Return Message

If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgment message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


